Monday, February 14, 2011

Chemistry in general.

I want to talk a bit about Chemistry, not the science field, but the class you take in 10th grade, or if you're retarded, in 11th or 12th. It seems that my teacher, after spending more than 15 minutes in her class, has, for some reason a deep seated hatred for every unlucky fucker to take her class. While her demanding complete perfection from students is quite understandable in a class that uses insanely hazardous chemicals; it seems as though she pushes the incredibly infinitesimal bullshit that clearly serves no purpose in the learning experience, such as writing the date and period on every one of the papers that we have due, no matter if it is attached to another that has the very same thing, and flips the fuck out when we put broken glassware in a garbage can, because she'll get sued if some retard accidentally throws away a paper he needs and cuts his hand reaching in to get it back. And the sweaters she wears... Oh! The sweaters she wears! It's like a loom and a polyester couch bore a wicked abomination to unbehold:

Okay, rant over.
Time to sleep, and go to my favorite Chemistry class tomorrow and feel stupid.

I love you, world.

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